
MAGINE THAT YOU are in bowels of a computer, and a sequence of ones and zeros floats by. Without knowing anything about program, you have no way of knowing whether you have just seen a portion of Manhattan telephone directory, number 1,456, or be or not to be. At this level all information, whether G6del's Theorem or Hamlet's soliloquy, exists in same form. Carry fantasy a step further and imagine that computer itself, along with you, could also be specified by sequences of ones and zeros. We are now close to world of Edward Fredkin, who asserts the basic stuff that everything is made of is information.' A professor at MIT who works at intersection of physics and computer science, Fredkin believes that fundamental structure of both matter and energy can be reduced to flows of information. To Fredkin world is quite literally a text, a physical embodiment of informational markers. There was a time when Fredkin's views would have

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