
The objective of this study was to analyze the flux of biomass through the communities of bacteria and phagotrophic protists in the cold and warm conditions occurring seasonally in Butrón River. Bacterial and heterotrophic protistan (flagellate and ciliate) abundance was determined by epifluorescence direct counts; protistan grazing on planktonic bacteria was measured from fluorescently labeled bacteria uptake rates; and the estimate of bacterial secondary production was obtained from [(3)H]thymidine incorporation rates. The abundance of bacterial, flagellate, and ciliate communities was similar during cold and warm situations. However, we observed that estimates of dynamic parameters, i.e., secondary bacterial production and protistan grazing, in both situations were noticeably different. In the warm situation, grazing rates of flagellates and ciliates (bacteria per protist per hour) were, respectively, 7 times and 18 times higher than those determined in the cold situation, and the grazing rates of the protistan communities (bacteria per protists present in 1 ml of water per hour) increased up to 5 times in the case of flagellates and 42 times in the case of ciliates. Estimates of bacterial secondary production were also higher during the warm situation, showing a ninefold increase. The percentage of bacterial production preyed upon by flagellates or ciliates was not significantly different between the two conditions. These results showed that in the different conditions of a system, the flux of biomass between the trophic levels may be quite different although this process may not be reflected in the abundance of each community of bacteria, flagellates, and ciliates.

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