
Developing accurate and computationally efficient channel models for mobile wireless channels poses a formidable challenge, primarily due to the highly dynamic nature of such environments and the involvement of a large number of modeling parameters. In this paper, we propose a novel geometrical model to simulate mobile wireless channels based on a framework developed from the theory of ambit processes . Under reasonable assumptions, the underlying mathematical structure of the proposed channel model enables the characterization of mobile wireless channels in terms of fading statistics, spatio-temporal channel correlation, and Doppler spectrum, besides ensuring tractable analysis. Using the ambit process model, we develop an algorithm that enables fast simulation of macro-cellular channels and accounts for key features of such channels including the appearance and disappearance of multi-path components, spatial consistency, and further captures the correlation between time-evolving delay and Doppler associated with multi-path components. Finally, we simulate macro-cellular channels using the proposed algorithm to obtain crucial insights about the channel characteristics. Numerical results indicate that the proposed channel modeling approach serves as a fairly accurate and computationally efficient design framework for wireless communication systems.

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