
Prior studies indicated that horizontal mattress sutures can control the curvature of a convex lateral crus. This study undertook to ascertain the ideal spacing for mattress sutures, determine what effect they have on the subsequent strength of the cartilage, and compare that to the resultant strength after scoring procedures used to control curvature. Curved fresh cadaver septa of various thicknesses (0.5, 1, and 1.5 mm) were used. The ideal spacing (gap between suture purchases) for the mattress suture was sought in 15 specimens. The consequent change in stiffness (modulus) of the cartilage was measured in nine other specimens before and after suture placement and after scoring. If the spacing was too large, instability resulted. If it was too small, curvature correction could not be obtained. An ideal mattress spacing (6 to 8 mm for 0.5-mm specimens and 8 to 10 mm for 1.5-mm specimens) removed most curvature and provided stability. The mattress suture increased the stiffness (modulus) above normal and far above that when the curvature was removed by scoring. The mean composite modulus before suturing was 4.6 MPa. After ideally spaced sutures, it was 6.2 MPa, a 35 percent increase in stiffness. After scoring to improve curvature, it was 2.4 MPa, a 48 percent reduction in stiffness (p = 0.02, Wilcoxon signed rank test). The horizontal mattress suture technique corrects cartilage curvature if the appropriate spacing is used. The corrected cartilage is stiffer/stronger than normal cartilage and much stiffer/stronger than if scored.

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