
Faculty teaching a large class size implemented evidence-based teaching strategies (EBTS) to improve mastery of core concepts in an accelerated undergraduate pediatric nursing course. Pre- and poststudent outcomes were analyzed using data from course assessments and American Technologies Institute (ATI) concept mastery testing to evaluate the effectiveness of course revisions. ATI designates three proficiency levels to determine mastery. A proficiency of level two exceeds the minimum expectations for mastery, whereas a proficiency level of three suggests students exceed NCLEX-RN standards of content. Data indicated implementation of new EBTS facilitated improvement in student content mastery. Students exceeded the minimum expectations for NCLEX-RN standards of pediatric content. Course revisions resulted in all students achieving benchmark on ATI concept mastery testing with a three-fold increase in students achieving the highest level of proficiency. EBTS can be adapted for a large class size learning environment with improved learning outcomes. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(3):169-171.].

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