
This paper deals on the current issues of changing patterns of traditional occupational skills and technologies and management of the traditional skills and technologies of Bishowkarmas of Hemja VDC from an anthropological perspective. This paper highlights the salient traditional occupational features and recommendations of policies for the promotion of traditional occupation for self reliant. It also deals with the causes of intergenerational occupational mobility and shift from the traditional occupation of Bishowkarmas. The indings are based on a ield level investigation, observation and focused group discussion among the Bishowkarmas and analysis from multidisciplinary and participatory approach. Major causes for the occupational mobility issues among the surveyed population include socio-cultural practices, modernization, industrialization, urbanization and widespread use of western education system. The main management and promotional issues includes reservation, strong law against touchable practices, arrangement of raw materials and market. Promotional strategy comprise of socio-cultural and improved institutional capability aspects which emphases on issues like giving importance to native products and traditional occupational skills and technologies and create space for native products for conserving traditional art and promoting for the self reliant. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hjsa.v4i0.4667 Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.IV (2010) 49-60

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