
The incidence rates of type 2 diabetes among adults in Asia have been stable, but the rates in youth and young adults have increased. In territory-wide surveillance in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China, all-cause mortality rates among people with diabetes have exhibited a declining trend in the past 15 years, with a narrowing in the mortality gap between people with and without diabetes. At the same time, the improvement in survival resulted in a changing age structure and disease profile of people with diabetes, towards an increasing proportion of older people with long diabetes duration and multi-morbidities. Reductions in event rates were not observed in the youngest age group who also had the least gains in risk factor control and uptake in organ protective drugs over time. A young age at diabetes diagnosis, associated with exposure to high glycemic burden from an early age, predicted higher risks of complications and premature mortality compared with later-onset of diabetes. People presenting with type 2 diabetes below 40 years of age were 5-fold more likely to die and their life expectancy was shortened by 8 years than age-matched counterparts without diabetes. Analysis of population-based data in Hong Kong Chinese identified hypertension followed by chronic kidney disease as the leading contributor to mortality in young people, indicating that efforts to optimize non-glycemic risk factors and organ protection are as important in young individuals as it is in the older population.

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