
Academic teaching can change with the use of Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogs and wikis, as these enable a different pedagogical approach through collaborative learning and the social construction of knowledge. Student expectations of their university learning experience have changed as they expect e-learning to be part of the learning experience. The Innovative eLearning with eResources (eRes) project aimed to provide a sustainable, scalable approach to changing academic practice. The approach built on academic’s experience of using quality e-resources in research and for their reading lists in teaching. The eRes project was successful as student learning was enhanced through collaborative learning using quality e-resources with Web 2.0 technologies. However, two keys issues were identified. The first issue is the lack of scalability of the approach due to the high level of support required from a team of pedagogical and technical specialists brokered through an individual. The second issue is academic professional development. Academics recognised their professional development requirements in relation to technology but they did not identify the need to change their pedagogical approach for collaborative learning with Web 2.0.

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