
The goal of this work is to provide radiologists an update regarding changes to stage 1 of meaningful use in 2014. These changes were promulgated in the final rulemaking released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in September 2012. Under the new rules, radiologists are exempt from meaningful use penalties provided that they are listed as radiologists under the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS). A major caveat is that this exemption can be removed at any time. Additional concerns are discussed in the main text. Additional changes discussed include software editions independent of meaningful use stage (i.e., 2011 edition versus 2014 edition), changes to the definition of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT), and changes to specific measures and exemptions to those measures. The new changes regarding stage 1 add complexity to an already complex program, but overall make achieving meaningful use a win-win situation for radiologists. There are no penalties for failure and incentive payments for success. The cost of upgrading to CEHRT may be much less than the incentive payments, adding a potential new source of revenue. Additional benefits may be realized if the radiology department can build upon a modern electronic health record to improve their practice and billing patterns. Meaningful use and electronic health records represent an important evolutionary step in US healthcare, and it is imperative that radiologists are active participants in the process.

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