
<p>Ice mass loss on Greenland and Antarctica is a major contributor to sea level change and will thereby profoundly impact the world's infrastructure (e.g. transport, roads, ground water, housing) over the next decades. In order to react and adjust now accordingly, precise estimates of sea level change are needed. Though, future changes in sea level are provided by Earth system models, which rarely include ice sheet models, or by standalone ice sheet models. Hence, feedbacks between ice and atmosphere-ocean are overseen. Local scale coupled models can help bridging this gap by estimating how feedbacks between the different Earth systems affect global sea level estimates.</p><p>Here, we present results from a coupled simulation of the ocean-sea ice model NEMO3.6-LIM3 (1/24° grid ~ less than 2 km grid spacing) and the ice sheet model BISICLES (on 0.5-4km spatial resolution). The coupling routine is done via python code including variable exchange, pre- and postprocessing, done offline every 3 months, following the setup described in Pelletier et al., 2021.</p><p>Simulated ice mass changes, grounding line position and ice velocity changes of this high-resolution coupling scheme (between 1993-2014) are compared to observations and results of uncoupled simulations. We further discuss which processes might be neglectable and which are the main drivers of ice velocity acceleration and changes in sub-shelf ocean circulation.</p><p> </p><p>Pelletier, C., Fichefet, T., Goosse, H., Haubner, K., Helsen, S., Huot, P.-V., Kittel, C., Klein, F., Le clec'h, S., van Lipzig, N. P. M., Marchi, S., Massonnet, F., Mathiot, P., Moravveji, E., Moreno-Chamarro, E., Ortega, P., Pattyn, F., Souverijns, N., Van Achter, G., Vanden Broucke, S., Vanhulle, A., Verfaillie, D., and Zipf, L.: PARASO, a circum-Antarctic fully-coupled ice-sheet - ocean - sea-ice - atmosphere - land model involving f.ETISh1.7, NEMO3.6, LIM3.6, COSMO5.0 and CLM4.5, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2021-315, in review, 2021.</p>

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