
Decreased renal Na-K ATPase activity in ureteral obstruction contributes to tubular sodium reabsorption defect in obstructive nephropathy. The integrated changes on the enzyme activity, protein number, and mRNA level of renal cortical Na-K ATPase, in response to bilateral or unilateral ureteral obstruction (BUO & UUO), were studied in rabbits. Ouabain-sensitive Na-K ATPase activities of renal cortex were significantly decreased at 24 h after BUO and further decreased at 48 h. The unobstructed contra-lateral kidney had significantly higher Na-K ATPase activity compared to the obstructed side. Immunoblots of Na-K ATPase alpha and beta subunits protein were both decreased at 24 h of BUO and further decreased at 48 h. The levels of Na-K ATPase beta subunit mRNA showed to be significantly decreased at 12 h after obstruction and further decreased at 24 and 48 h. However, the levels of alpha subunit mRNA were not changed as that of beta subunit throughout the study period. This study also used a newly developed method for release of obstruction. All the parameters studied above recovered to variable extents after release of the ureteral obstruction. In summary, decreases in Na-K ATPase activity, protein, and mRNA in obstructed kidney are specific cellular responses to ureteral obstruction. The degree of down-regulation is related to the duration of obstruction. The reduced activity of Na-K ATPase can be explained by decreased enzyme protein. However, the discordant findings in Na-K ATPase subunits protein amounts and mRNA changes suggest that renal Na-K ATPase subunits have different cellular regulatory processes to obstruction, in which transcriptional, translational and even intra-cytoplasmic processing may be involved.

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