
To reveal what degree bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) depends on exposure time and other factors, we conducted a semi-field experiment for a year (June 2008–June 2009) in a village in an e-waste recycling site in Taizhou, China. Approximately one hundred of juvenile ducks (Anas domestica Linnaeus) were entrusted to a villager. The ducks lived and forged in a PBDE-polluted pond from the late March to the end of November. Fish and mudsnails that were heavily polluted by PBDEs were main food. In cold days (from December to the middle March), the ducks lived in the villager’ house, and mainly fed on paddy, which contained lower concentrations of PBDEs than fish and mudsnails. The female ducks were sampled for PBDE analysis every three months. We found that the ∑PBDE concentrations in duck liver, muscle, lung and brain fluctuated greatly with the changes of exposure levels that were determined by the environment and diets, but the ∑PBDE concentrations in fat tissue increased successively with time. Congener analysis demonstrated that the successive increase in the ∑PBDE concentrations with time in fat tissue was due to the successive increase in BDE-209, -183 and -153 concentrations, with large fluctuations of low brominated congeners. The results show that PBDE concentrations in liver, muscle, lung and brain tissues heavily depends on exposure levels rather than exposure time. In fat tissue, by contrast, PBDE concentrations (mainly high brominated congeners) slightly depends on exposure levels but heavily depend on time relative to other tissues, implying that high brominated congeners seem to have longer half-lives than low brominated congeners in fat tissue.

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