
Decision-making is traditionally described as a cognitive process of deliberation followed by commitment to an action choice, preceding the planning and execution of the chosen action. However, this is challenged by recent data suggesting that during situated decisions, multiple options are specified simultaneously and compete in premotor cortical areas for selection and execution. Previous studies focused on the competition during planning and left unaddressed the dynamics of decisions during movement. Does deliberation extend into the execution phase? Are nonselected options still considered? Here we studied a decision-making task in which human participants were instructed to select a reaching path trajectory from an origin to a rectangular target, where reward was distributed nonuniformly at the target. Critically, we applied mechanical perturbations to the arm during movement to study under which conditions such perturbations produce changes of mind. Our results show that participants initially selected the direction of movement toward the highest reward region and changed their mind most frequently when the two choices offered the same reward, showing that deliberation continues and follows cost–benefit considerations during movement. Furthermore, changes of mind were dependent on the intensity of the perturbation and the current state of the motor system, including velocity and distance to targets. Although reward remains most relevant, our results indicate that the state of the motor system when the perturbation occurs is a crucial determinant of changes of mind.

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