
We demonstrated here with the high resolution lectin-gold approach and quantitative analysis, changes of glycoconjugates in the hamster zona pellucida (ZP) during oocyte growth and development in the ovary and the oviduct. Glycoconjugates which contain N-acetyl-D-galactosamine as terminal sugar residues are absent in the ovary but are secreted by secretory cells in the oviduct and are added to the ZP of superovulated oocytes during oviductal transit. Glycoconjugates which carry sialic acid as terminal sugar residues appear to be acquired mainly from the ovary. The oviduct contributes little of this particular component to the ZP during the transit of oocytes in the oviduct. On the contrary D-galactose and N-acetylglucosamine associated glycoconjugates, added to the ZP in ovarian follicles, are also secreted by non-ciliated oviductal epithelial cells and these secretory products are transferred to the ZP in significant amount during passage of the oocyte through the oviduct. Lectin-gold labeling of the ZP of superovulated oocytes reveals homogeneous distribution of gold particles throughout the zona matrix. Thus, we conclude that the ZP of hamster superovulated oocytes consists of glycoconjugates that may derive from different origins. Deposition of ZP glycocomponents begins in the ovary. Similar and new glycoconjugates, secreted by oviductal non-ciliated secretory cells, are added to the ZP of oocytes during oviductal transit. At this stage the ZP is made up of a homogeneous matrix of glycoconjugates.

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