
The quantitative changes of elements in blood plasma were observed with the passage of time after X-ray whole body irradiation with 12 Gy on C57BL/6J mice by PIXE method. From 4 days after irradiation, dead mouse was found and all mice died by 8 days. Hematocrit (Ht) values indicated a decrease from the 1st day, but on days 3 and 4 there was a small rise. Finally the values became 64 % of that of non-irradiated control on day 7, it was just before death. By analysis with PIXE method, 15 elements were observable in blood plasma of control mice. The elements such as P, S, Cl, K, Ca and Cr were abundant and Fe and Br followed. As trace elements, the peaks of Zn, Cu and Ni were clearly observed. After irradiation, K and Ca decreased on day 1st, afterwards increased gradually. On the contrary, the elements, S, Cl, were rather stable. While Fe decreased from 1st day, Cu increased from the day 2. Zn and Ni showed intensely down and rise in amount, and decreased on day 7. The results of possible measurement of the changes in amount of these elements of blood plasma suggest PIXE method is an easy and useful way for diagnosis.

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