
ABSTRACT Stroke-related deficits affect stroke survivors' perception of their bodies and possibly impede their progress in rehabilitation and well-being. This study adopted a pre-and post-test design to compare the changes in body perception among younger stroke survivors after participating in an 8-week Expressive Arts-based Intervention (EABI) (n = 32) with the control group (n = 30). Each participant partook in structured drawing interviews at baseline (T0) and 8-week follow-up/post-intervention (T1). The data were analyzed using content analysis. More EABI (n = 27) than control (n = 14) participants reported positive changes in body perception and applied lighter colours or created a more symmetrical drawing at T1. They shared that EABI promoted these positive changes by facilitating the reconnection with one's body and self. While some control participants experienced positive changes in body perception, others tended to apply darker colours or the same colour to show negative or no changes in body perception. More control (n = 8) than EABI (n = 3) participants reported negative thoughts about their bodies and negative influences from other individuals and the environment. The findings suggested that EABI can change stroke survivors' body perception. EABI can be considered one of the interventions that may help foster positive changes in body perception.

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