
The results of proximate analysis of five tropical forage species and two forms of conserved forage over sampling period of 147 days of dry Season are presented. Three plots of one Panicum maximum (Guinea grass), one plot of Cynodon nlemfuensis (giant star grass) and one plot of Centrosema pubesceus (centro) were used as sample plots. Trends indicated in the results suggest a general decline in crude protein, ether extract, dry yields and ash, and a progressive increase in crude fiber, dry matter content and nitrogen free extract from the conset the dry season in early November to the first rains in March in the next year, when trends were reversed. In the standing forage samples the mean values of the species were significantly different in all proximate constituents. These differences were generally higher between grass and centrosema than among grasses. There were also significant periodic effects between sampling dates for chemical constituents except ash which showed no significant periodic effect at 5% level. These differences were concentrated mainly within the few weeks of dry season. The mean crude protein values of grasses and grass silage during most of the dry season period fell substantially below the 6% level which is considered the minimum value for maintenance of Nigerian indigenous Fulani cattle. Dry season grass pasture and grass silage should therefore be supplemented for protein as from late November. Where legume pasture or hay is available and constitutes up to 20% of the roughage ration, supplementation does not appear to be necessary for cattle until late December, under Nsukka conditions.

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