
Factors limiting white-winged dove (Zenaida asiatica) reproduction in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas are poorly understood. We documented long-term trends in egg density (eggs laid/ha), young density (hatchlings/ha), fledgling density, egg success, and fledging success in brush and citrus habitats with data collected 1954-93. All density estimates in citrus, and fledging success in brush and citrus, showed linear declines (P ≤ 0.04) during 1954-93. Egg density in brush did not change (P = 0.91) 1954-68, but young and fledgling densities showed quadratic trends during the same period. All densities in brush showed linear declines (P ≤ 0.005) from 1969 through 1993. We evaluated 6 factors hypothesized as limiting dove reproduction; current limiting factors may include overhunting and effects of certain pesticides.

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