
GRELLER, A. M., D. C. LocKE, V. KIiANowsKI AND G. E. LoTowycz (Biology Department, Queens College, The City University of New York, Flushing, NY 1367). Changes in Vegetation Composition and Soil Acidity Between 1922 and 1985 at a Site on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 117: 450-458. 1990.-We have repeated a survey of soil pH and native herbaceous vegetation conducted in 1922 by E. T. Wherry, at a site on Long Island, New York. There has been a dramatic decline in surface soil pH. Ridgetops currently have an average pH of 3.8, slopes 3.9, and bottomlands 4.1; bottomlands are today more acidic than ridgetops were in 1922. There has also been a simplification of dominant flora and a dramatic shift to dominance in all habitats of the site by acid-tolerant taxa such as Maianthemum canadense, Viburnum acerifolium, and Aster divaricatus, and a loss of such taxa as Geranium maculatum, Sanguinaria canadensis, and Medeola virginiana. The influence of acidic precipitation on these changes cannot be demonstrated, but remains the most plausible explanation.

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