
Objective To compare energy intakes in seniors with cognitive impairment residing in long-term care and receiving meals by bulk (cafeteria style with waitress service) vs traditional tray delivery systems and determine subject characteristics that identify responsiveness to type of foodservice provided. Design and subjects/setting Usual energy intakes were compared in subjects residing in cognitive impairment units in either the old (tray delivery, n=23) or new (bulk delivery, n=26) nursing home at Baycrest, a teaching facility associated with University of Toronto Medical School. Intervention Changes to foodservice and physical environment (from institutional to more home-like environment). Main outcome measures Twenty-one consecutive day investigator-weighed energy and macronutrient intakes and behavioral function (London Psychogeriatric Rating Scale). Statistical analyses performed Analysis of variance determined mean differences in intake and regression analyses identified predictors of sensitivity to type of food delivery systems. Results Higher 24-hour total ( P<0.001) and dinner ( P<0.001) energy intakes in subjects receiving bulk compared to tray delivery were predominantly associated with greater carbohydrate intakes ( P<0.001). Higher energy, carbohydrate, and protein, but not fat intakes, with bulk delivery were more apparent in individuals with lower body mass indexes (BMIs) (food delivery by BMI interaction, all P values <0.05). Conclusions High-risk, cognitively impaired individuals with low BMI benefited the most from the changed foodservice and physical environment, whereas individuals with higher BMIs did not show substantive changes in intake. Bulk foodservice and a home-like dining environment optimize energy intake in individuals at high risk for malnutrition, particularly those with low BMIs and cognitive impairment.

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