
Introduction: The epidemiology of Emergency Department (ED) visits provides important data regarding demand for the medical resources. The aim: To present changes in the visits to ED of University Hospital during the early stage of Covid-19 state of epidemic. Matrial and Methods: All ED visits during the 3 periods each lasting one weeks in 2018, 2019, and 2020 respectively were analysed. The data related to patients ’visits in the emergency department were gathered. Results: The percentage of patients admitted between 23-29.03 in 2020 year was 23.7% of the study group and constituted a significantly lower percentage than those admitted in 2028 who constituted 37.2% and 2019 who constituted 39.1% p<0.001. There was no significant differences between percentages of patients admitted to ED and brought by EMS among studied periods. The percentage of patients admitted to other ward of the hospital was higher in 2020 than in 2018 and 2019. Conclusions: 1. During early stage of COVID-19 epidemic state the number of ED significantly decreased both patients brought by EMS and non EMS pathway. 2. Patients admitted to ED are more often admitted to other ward of the hospital. 3. The mortality during ED stay is similar than in similar periods in previous years.

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