
The results of temperature monitoring in podzolic soils under the middle-taiga bilberry spruce forest and secondary mixed forest of the Komi Republic performed in 2008–2014 are presented. The changes in characteristics of soil temperature in the litter horizon and in the mineral horizons at the depths of 20 and 50 cm are outlined. It is shown that soil temperature regimes differ under the native spruce forest, young growth, and middle-aged secondary mixed forest. The soils of secondary phytocenoses are warmed up to a greater depth and are characterized by the higher heat supply. The differences are seen in a number of temperature parameters, such as the accumulated temperatures above 5°C and above 10°C at the depths of 20 and 50 cm. The most significant differences between the studied plots manifest themselves in the values of temperature amplitudes during the warm season. Maximum values of daily temperature amplitudes were obtained on the plot under young growth, whereas the soil under the middle-aged mixed forest was characterized by minimum values of daily temperature amplitudes.

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