
The aims of the present study were to: (1) determine if discrete motile sperm subpopulations exist and their incidence in fresh dog ejaculates, (2) evaluate the effects of cryopreservation on the distribution of spermatozoa within the different subpopulations, and (3) determine the effect of the discontinuous PureSperm ® gradient on the sperm subpopulation structure of frozen–thawed dog spermatozoa. Semen from 5 dogs were collected and cryopreserved following a standard protocol. After thawing, semen samples were selected by centrifugation on PureSperm ®. Sperm motility (assessed by computerized-assisted semen analysis, CASA) was assessed before freezing, just after thawing and after preparation on the PureSperm ® gradients. Cryopreservation had a significant ( P < 0.001) effect on CASA-derived parameters. PureSperm ® centrifugation yielded sperm suspensions with improved motility ( P < 0.01). A multivariate clustering procedure separated 19414 motile spermatozoa into four subpopulations: Subpopulation 1 consisting of poorly active and non-progressive spermatozoa (20.97%), Subpopulation 2 consisting of slow and low-linear spermatozoa (18.24%), Subpopulation 3 consisting of highly active but non-progressive spermatozoa (20.75%), and Subpopulation 4 consisting of high speed and progressive spermatozoa (40.03%). Although, cryopreservation had a significant ( P < 0.001) effect on both the frequency distribution of spermatozoa within subpopulations and the motion characteristics of each subpopulation, the sperm subpopulation structure was perfectly maintained after freezing and thawing. The selected sperm samples was enrich in Subpopulation 4, reaching a proportion of 31.9% of the present spermatozoa, in contrast with the unselected sperm samples, where this sperm subpopulation accounted for 24.9% of the total. From these results, we concluded that four well-defined motile sperm subpopulations were present either in fresh semen, in unselected sperm samples or in selected preparations from dogs. The discontinuous PureSperm ® gradient is a simple method to improve the quality of canine frozen–thawed semen samples, since Subpopulation 4 (high-speed and progressive spermatozoa) was more frequently observed after preparation on the gradient. Finally, this study also demonstrated that the general motile sperm structure present in dog remains constant despite the effect caused by either cryopreservation or separation on PureSperm ® gradient.

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