
It has been shown that the distribution features of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions of humic substances (HSs) in the upper genetic horizons of undisturbed podzolic soils and lithobarrier podzols are similar. The concentrations of the separate HS fractions in the mineral horizons are largely determined by the soil mineralogy. In forest litters of secondary phytocenoses developed after the cutting of spruce forests, an increase in the content of hydrophilic compounds has been observed on loamy deposits at a decrease in the portion of ligninlike organic compounds. An in crease in the portion of AlFe-humus compounds has been revealed in the mineral soil horizons of secondary phytocenoses. It has been proposed to use the degree of hydrophilicity ( DH) for characterizing the features of the organic matter in taiga soils. An increase in the content of the fractions of occluded organic matter and that bound to minerals (density of 1.6-2.2 g/cm 3 ) has been observed in the eluvial horizons of a young cutover area.

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