
Changes in the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus, accompanying cancer of the vaginal part and cervix, drew special attention after the work of Abel (see No. I), which appeared in 1888. The author studied the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus, taken from extirpated cases of 6 uterus for carcinoma portionis and in 1 case for carcinoma cervicis. "In all cases, the mucous membrane is dull," says the author (p. 279, 1. p.), To a high degree of alteration, while the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​relatively insignificantly diseased. " These changes, as can be seen from the description of each individual case, concern both the gland and the intermediate tissue, and the first in all cases were multiplied and represented corkscrew gyrus; some of them were enlarged or contained ectases of the lateral walls and processes protruding into the lumen of the gland. Changes in the intermediate tissue in cases 1, 2 and 4 consisted in the multiplication of cells in deep layers, and here they had a short-spindle-shaped shape, small size and went in trains in different directions; in the surface layers, they were more or less round, much larger in size and resembled epitheloid cells. In addition, a nested infiltration with small, round cells (lymphoid cells?) Met in places. In the remaining 4 cases, the changes in the intermediate tissue, according to the author's description, were the same as usually in chronic inflammation (cases 5, 6 and 7) or almost absent (case 3). On the basis of these studies, the author comes to the conclusion that changes in the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus in cancer of the vaginal part and cervix have the character of sarcomatous degeneration, which in observed 1, 2 and 4-m, already reached a rather high degree of 4, in the rest, although it did not appear as sharp as especially in the first case, but nevertheless, these changes, according to the author, cannot be considered as inflammatory, but should be taken only as a more weak degree of the same sarcomatous degeneration, by analogy with the first.


  • На основаніи такимъ образомъ доказаннаго злокачествен­ наго перерожденія слизистой оболочки тѣла матки при ракѣ влагалищной части, авторъ устанавливаетъ несостоятельность въ подобныхъ случаяхъ высокой ампутаціи шейки по Schrö­ der’у и необходимость тотальной экстирпаціи матки, что, по­ видимому, и служило главной цѣлью работы

  • Промежуточная ткань содержала во всѣхъ случаяхъ короткія веретенообразныя клѣтки въ боль­ шемъ или меньшемъ количествѣ

  • 17 и 31), гдѣ дѣло шло о ракѣ влагалищной части и шейки, который уже распростра­ нился по muscularis до внутренняго зѣва и, повидимому, пере­ шелъ за него; гдѣ на ограниченномъ мѣстѣ препарата замѣча­ лось сильное разрастаніе железъ съ образованіемъ отростковъ внутрь железы и съ сильно развитыми боковыми выпячива­ ніями, причемъ эпителій железъ сдѣлался многослойнымъ и утерялъ правильную цилиндрическую форму

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На основаніи такимъ образомъ доказаннаго злокачествен­ наго перерожденія слизистой оболочки тѣла матки при ракѣ влагалищной части, авторъ устанавливаетъ несостоятельность въ подобныхъ случаяхъ высокой ампутаціи шейки по Schrö­ der’у и необходимость тотальной экстирпаціи матки, что, по­ видимому, и служило главной цѣлью работы. ИЗМѢНЕНІЯ СЛИЗИСТОЙ ОБОЛОЧКИ ТѢЛА МАТКИ ПРИ РАКѢ ВЛАГАЛИЩНОЙ ЧАСТИ И ШЕЙКИ ЕЯ. Матка слегка увеличена; длина полости=3,5+3,5 ctm., Portio и нижняя часть шейки представляютъ воронкообразную язву съ бородавчатымъ дномъ.

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