
The lipoprotein lipase (clearing-factor lipase) activity of the white adipose tissue from rats aged between 1 and 145 days was determined. Five adipose-tissue sites (epididymal, uterine, subcutaneous, perirenal and intramuscular) together with serum concentrations of triacylglycerol, cholesterol and glucose were studied. The pattern of enzyme-activity change was remarkably similar in all the sites studied, although the growth of the tissues proceeded non-uniformly. After a peak of activity early in suckling, lipoprotein lipase activity fell to low values by 20 days of age. At weaning (21 days) the activity increased sharply and within 5 days high values were regained. The serum triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations were low at birth and reached peaks of concentration coincidentally with the minima of white-adipose-tissue lipoprotein lipase activities, seen late in suckling. The changes in enzyme activity were related to other metabolic changes in adipose tissue and with the known changes in plasma insulin concentrations occurring during development.

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