
Aim. To assess the change of immunomorphological parameters in the placenta in women with exacerbation of cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) in the second trimester of pregnancy, complicated by chronic placental insufficiency.Materials and methods. The concentration of TNF-α in the homogenate of 120 placentas and the histometric parameters of chorionic villi were determined in patients who underwent latent CMVI and exacerbation of CMVI in the second trimester of gestation. Group 1 included 30 placentas from seronegative women with a physiological course of pregnancy, group 2 included 30 placentas from patients with latent CMVI and chronic compensated placental insufficiency, group 3 – 30 placentas from women with exacerbation of CMVI and chronic compensated placental insufficiency; and group 4 – 30 placentas from pregnant women with exacerbation of CMVI and chronic subcompensated placental insufficiency.Results. In the 1st group in the placenta homogenate the concentration of TNF-α was 16.8±1.86 pg/mL; the number of villi with a diameter of 30-50 microns was 25.4±2.08%, with a diameter of 60-90 microns – 64.4±2.43% and with a diameter of more than 90 microns – 10.2±0.88%; the number of terminal villi with 1-3 capillaries was 27.0±2.29%, with 4- 6 capillaries – 42.1±2.02%, with 7-10 capillaries – 23.9±1.58% and villi with more than 10 capillaries – 7.0±0.79%. In group 2, the concentration of TNF-α in the placenta homogenate was amounted to 22.1±2.06 pg/mL (p>0.05); among the villi, anatomical forms with a diameter of 30-50 μm (p<0.01) were found 1.41 times more often, and villi with a diameter of 60-90 μm (p<0.01) were 1.19 times less common; the number of villi with 4-6 capillaries decreased by 1.21 times (p<0.05) and the number of villi with 7-10 capillaries increased by 1.43 times (p<0.001). In the placentas of group 3, compared with group 2 in the homogenate, there was an increase in the concentration of TNF-α to 60.2±3.47 pg/mL (p<0.001) against the background of a decrease in the concentration of villi with a diameter of 30-50 μm to 26.4±2,61% (p<0.05), villi with 7-10 capillaries up to 20.7±1.53% (p<0.001) and an increase in the number of villi with 1-3 capillaries up to 34.8±3.05% (p<0.05). In the placental homogenate of group 4, compared with group 3, the concentration of TNF-α (p<0.05) increased 1.31 times, the number of villi with a diameter of 60-90 μm increased to 70.2±1.59%, (p<0,01) and villi with 1- 3 capillaries to 46.8±3.76% (p<0.05) with a decrease in the number of villi with a diameter of 30-50 μm to 18.9±1.69% (p<0,05), with 7-10 capillaries up to 13.3±1.36% (p<0.001) and with 10 or more capillaries – up to 3.9±0.43% (p<0.01).Conclusion. In women with exacerbation of CMVI in the second trimester of pregnancy and the development of chronic subcompensated placental insufficiency, inhibition of the growth and angiogenesis of terminal villi is observed against the background of the maximum concentration of TNF-α in the medium.


  • Цель работы – оценить изменения иммуноморфологических показателей плаценты у женщин с обострением цитомегаловирусной инфекции (ЦМВИ) во втором триместре беременности, осложненной хронической плацентарной недостаточностью

  • the histometric parameters of chorionic villi were determined in patients who underwent latent cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) and exacerbation of CMVI

  • In the 1st group in the placenta homogenate the concentration of TNF-α was

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Дальневосточный научный центр физиологии и патологии дыхания», 675000, г. Оценить изменение иммуноморфологических показателей плаценты у женщин с обострением цитомегаловирусной инфекции (ЦМВИ) во втором триместре беременности, осложненной хронической плацентарной недостаточностью. В гомогенате плацент 4 группы по сравнению с 3 группой в 1,31 раза возрастала концентрация TNF-α (р

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