
Induction of donor-specific tolerance in outbred Wistar rats (RT1u) and inbred August rats (RT1c) increased the expression of immune proteasome subunits in liver with a peak on day 7 after beginning of the induction. The increase in the level of immune subunits LMP2 and LMP7 was more pronounced in the liver of August rats in comparison with Wistar rats (by 2 and 6 times, respectively), which was associated with higher concentrations of monoamines in the CNS of August rats. After induction of donor-specific tolerance in August and Wistar rats, the immune subunits were in cells of sinusoidal lining and in cells located in sinusoid lumens. It can be suggested that immune proteasomes in these cells producing antigenic peptides for presentation to immunocompetent participate in the suppression of their activity and form the molecular basis for the development of donor-specific tolerance at very early stages of this process.

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