
Epithelial-type (PK-15) and fibroblast-type (MDBK) mammalian cell cultures were inoculated with purified Eimeria vermiformis sporozoites. Matched samples from 0 to 93 h after inoculation (HAI) were processed for electron microscopy; half of the sample preparations were extracted with non-ionic detergent prior to fixation. Specimens were examined by both transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Numerous sporozoites were attached to the cultured cells from 2 to 93 HAI, usually near the cell periphery. Some host cell microvilli extended up and appeared attached to the sporozoites. Sporozoites fixed during the penetration process were markedly constricted at the site of entry; however, no noticeable changes occurred in the host cell membrane or surface microvilli during sporozoite invasion or in sporozoite-infected cells. In cells extracted with 1% Triton X-100, the host cytoskeleton was progressively reorganized about the parasites but changes were limited to the immediate area of the sporozoite. Around resident sporozoites, the cytoskeleton became less dense but also more ordered, which contrasted with adjacent cell areas. Cytoskeletal elements passed both over and under the parasites. The appearance of the cytoskeleton suggested that the host cell formed a loose, basket-like net of cytoskeletal elements about the parasite.

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