
To clarify the changes in rice fumonisin (FUM) concentrations, we conducted field cultivation of 10 forage rice cultivars and inoculation with fumonisin-producing fungal isolates. We cultivated 10 forage rice cultivars at the NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science and one cultivar at two additional farmland sites in Japan in 2011 and 2012. Fusarium fujikuroi, which primarily infects plants shortly after heading, was inoculated on rice just after heading, and we sampled heads at the yellow-ripe and full-ripe stages to assess FUM concentrations. We found differences among cultivars in the FUM concentration and differences among the sites for the same cultivar, but no cultivar had high levels in leaves and stems. Fusarium fujikuroi was the main fumonisin producer. The FUM concentration in heads increases from <1 to 4760 μg/kg DM after the yellow-ripe stage. To control FUM levels, it is necessary to select low-FUM cultivars and manage the cultivation environment.

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