
Changes in sterol metabolism in the skin of chick embryo during its development were studied with embryonal chick skin and with the cultured skin tissues. Changes in sterol metabolism of the skin of chick embryo began to appear at day 17, as observed by the accumulation of dihydrolanosterol, and the ratio of dihydrolanostrol: cholesterol increased thereafter until hatching. A similar change in sterol metabolism was also observed with the cultured skin tissue of chick embryo, although the stages of development seem to have been delayed by 3 days. The active sterol metabolism of the cultured skin tissue was also confirmed by studies of incorporation of [2- 14C]acetate into sterols. 20,25-Diazacholesterol almost completely inhibited the incorporation of [2- 14C]acetate into C 27 sterols, whereas a chemical carcinogen, 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-oxide, inhibited the incorporation of [2- 14C]acetate into lathosterol but not that into cholesterol.

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