
The prinoipal aim of the modern sport movement is the implementation of the motto "sport for all". But it is true that in most of the countries one is still far from the implementation of this goal. The report published here wants to contribute to the discussion on the solution of the discrepancy between aspi rations and the reality of "sport for all". One may assume that more people would practice sport more regularly, provided the supply of sport possibilities would be more in accordance with general cultural development. Therefore out about the specific course of sport activity. A cross-section and analysis of the practicing of sport reveal quite distinctly tendencies for team sport involving games of two opposing teams as well as various kinds of open air sport involving equipment. Research on changes in sport habits takes place within the various types of sport. In this manner it is possible on the one hand to take into account the social and historical nature of sport activity, and on the other hand to find out about the specific course of sport activity. A cross-section and analysis of the practicing of sport reveal quite distinctly tendencies for team sport involving games of two opposing teams as well as various kinds of open air sport involving equipment. In general changes in sport habits point to a tendency of replacing physical energy absorbing moments when practicing sport by greater requirements as regards the mental regulation of sport activity. Individual sport practiced above all in the past, such as swimming, track-and-field events and gymnastics laid special stress on strength, prowess and endurance. However, open air sport and complex team games retain canrstantly changing situations, due to which the need arises for differentiated noticeable achievements and complex intellectual planning processes. Approached from a cultural and theoretical perspective this development makes one assume, that due to the increasingly more complicated kinds of sport the mobility potential of one's own body can be experienced in an enlarged manner and exclusively in sport, during the performance of many-sided sport activities which enable the individual to "enjoy" his own body. Practicing sport people experience and perceive which kind of development of their bodily skills, and actually of their personality is possible already today or in the forseeable future.

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