
Manganese deficiency is known to severely reduce growth and yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants, but little is known about the effects of Mn deficiency on soybean seed quality factors. Seed from field‐grown soybean plants containing leaf Mn concentrations ranging from 4 to 58 ppm were analyzed for oil and protein percentage. Seed oil and seed protein from selected treatments containing 4 to 44 ppm leaf Mn were analyzed for fatty acid and amino acid percentages, respectively.Severe Mn deficiency (less than 15 ppm Mn in the leaves) increased seed protein percentage and decreased seed oil percentage. Seed from plants with extremely low leaf Mn levels contained higher percentages of linoleic, palmitic, linolenic, and stearic acids and a lower percentage of oleic acid. The percentages of seed protein, seed oil, and fatty acids changed markedly at low leaf Mn levels but remained relatively constant above leaf Mn concentrations of 15 to 20 ppm. Percentages of amino acids in seed protein were relatively unaffected by Mn.The results show that several soybean seed quality factors can be markedly altered by deficient levels of Mn. These changes could have a significant influence on the quality of products derived from soybean seed.

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