
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to study the history of Soviet architecture, associated with changes in its stylistic orientation, when instead of the previously dominant constructivist forms other forms began to prevail, namely Art Deco, neoclassicism and eclecticism. The paper explores the processes in architecture of that time, identifies the main prerequisites for the formation of that architectural style.Methodology/approach: The methodological approach includes a comparative analysis of scientific publications and buildings of Soviet architecture of the 1930s. A comprehensive study is conducted to identify the prerequisites, processes and features of the architecture of this period.Research findings: The main results concern the period under study accompanied by both evolutionary and cardinal changes in architecture associated with the general architectural policy of the government and the creativity of architects. All this determines the peculiarities of the controversial, transitional style of Soviet architecture. The analysis of the controversial architectural style considers the individual genesis. This style is formed under specific conditions and has its own history. Architectural competitions of the 1930s demonstrate the stylistic diversity of architecture and the evolutionary transition from constructivism to Soviet neoclassicism observed in the works of those architects who previously designed the style of constructivism. The term post-constructivism means both a purely chronological concept, that is a period in the history of architecture following the epoch of constructivism and the specific architectural and stylistic phenomenon which still combines constructivism and elements of the subsequent style. A search for individual architects determines the style of the 1930s. In this regard, the term post constructivism best reflects the diversity of architecture of that time, taking into account the historical era and national identity, and the use of elements typical to Art Deco, Neo-Renaissance, or Classicism.Practical implications: The research results can be used to further studying the architecture of this period as well as in the preparation of courses on the history of Soviet architecture of the 1930s. This study makes it possible to realize historical, artistic and cultural value of this style, thereby preserving it in the future.Originality/value: The history of the architecture of that period is still not well understood and is of particular interest for researchers. This study considers both well-known and insufficiently studied buildings of Soviet architecture of the 1930s, compares the obtained facts and opinions of other authors‟. As a result, the paper combines, compares and analyzes interesting information on this topic and investigates concrete facts. Also, a comparison is given to the architecture of the studied and previous periods.


  • The aim of the paper is to study the history of Soviet architecture, associated with changes in its stylistic orientation, when instead of the previously dominant constructivist forms other forms began to prevail, namely Art Deco, neoclassicism and eclecticism

  • Architectural competitions of the 1930s demonstrate the stylistic diversity of architecture and the evolutionary transition from constructivism to Soviet neoclassicism observed in the works of those architects who previously designed the style of constructivism

  • The term post-constructivism means both a purely chronological concept, that is a period in the history of architecture following the epoch of constructivism and the specific architectural and stylistic phenomenon which still combines constructivism and elements of the subsequent style

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Что конкурс на проект Дворца Советов был наиболее значимым событием в жизни архитектурной общественности того времени, в котором участвовали архитекторы, представлявшие все существовавшие тогда архитектурные направления. И при более широком взгляде на проблему в контексте мировой архитектуры невозможно не отметить, что обращение к неоклассике было общеевропейской, точнее, общемировой тенденцией в архитектуре того времени [4, с. Несмотря на то что поворот от конструктивизма к неоклассике произошѐл в соответствии с предпочтениями политических элит того времени, изменения в архитектурном стиле происходили эволюционным путѐм.

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