
A glasshouse trial was performed to determine changes in phosphorus (P) nutrition and the yield of sword bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.) following the application of different rates and types of P fertilizer in an acid upland soil of East Lampung. Two different types of P fertilizer, namely SP-36 (total P = 36%) and Phosphate Rock (PR) (total P = 24.3%, particle size distribution = 75% <0.25 mm, 85% < 0.50 mm, 90% < 1.00 mm) were used in the trial. For the treatment, each P fertilizer type consisted of four rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg P2O5 kg-1 soil) that were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with four replications. The results showed that the application of P fertilizers had significant effects on soil pH, soil plant-available P, the potential-P (HCl 25%), leaf N and P concentrations, the yield of sword bean. Increased rates of both forms of P fertilizer increased the soil pH values. As the soil used had low pH and very high exchangeable Al, hence, this result is most probably related to the addition of Ca2+ to the soil solution that resulted from the P fertiliser applied (liming effect), either from SP-36 (monocalcium phosphate) or PR (flour apatite). There was no difference in soil available P concentration due to the different in P fertilizer types, indicating that 4 months after the fertilizer application, the relatively insoluble Phosphate Rock had the same P solubility with SP-36. Increased rates of both forms of P fertilizer increased the sword bean yield. For the application of 0 kg P2O5 ha-1, although sword bean crops had pods, but, they did not give any seed. Whereas, at the addition of P fertilizer at the rate of 50, 100, and 150 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both P fertilizer types, the crops were able to give the seeds in the pods. [How to Cite: Achmad AR. 2015. Changes in Soil Available Phosphorus, Leaf Phosphorus Content and Yield of Sword Bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.) by Application of SP-36 and Phosphate Rock on Acid Upland Soil of East Lampung. J Trop Soils 19: 29-36. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.29][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.29]


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Percobaan menggunakan pot bentuk T-tabung dari pipa PVC ukuran diameter 8 cm (Gambar 1). Unsur P yang diberikan adalah pupuk berlabel 32P dalam senyawa NaH2PO4, diperoleh dari PT Batan Jakarta sebanyak 1 ml dengan kekuatan radiasi 5,5 mCi. Pada saat diencerkan menjadi 600 ml, kekuatan radiasinya 1,72 μCi. Biji bawang prei dikecambahkan dalam media pasir steril, dan setelah umur 1 bulan dipindahkan dalam pot-pot yang telah dipersiapkan. Subcontoh akar sisanya dan seluruh tajuk dikeringkan dalam oven pada temperatur 70°C selama 48 jam kemudian ditimbang bobot keringnya, dan dipersiapkan untuk pengamatan serapan P total, serapan P32-pupuk dan P31-tanah. Penyerapan P31-tanah oleh akar tanaman diasumsikan dilakukan oleh hifa eksternal dari CMA A. tuberculata bersama-sama non A. tuberculata. Perbedaan serapan unsur P31 oleh tanaman bermikoriza dan tanpa mikoriza merupakan unsur P31tanah yang diserap oleh hifa eksternal CMA A. tuberculata. Perbedaan antara serapan P32 oleh tanaman bermikoriza dan tanpa mikoriza merupakan kontribusi yang diberikan oleh hifa CMA A. tuberculata. Tanah yang digunakan untuk media tumbuh hifa adalah Andisol dari Sumberbrantas-Batu, sedangkan media tumbuh tanaman digunakan pasir. Komposisi unsur dalam cairan pupuk adalah sebagai berikut (Tabel 1)

Pembuatan preparat irisan tipis tanah
Tanah steril
Hifa Spora
Ti ap
Panjang hifa
Laju Pertumbuhan hifa
Serapan P dan laju serapan P oleh akar dan tajuk tanaman
Ekskresi asam organik dan fraksionasi P
Fraksi Ptanah
Jumlah spora
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