
We determined the changes of time, amplitude and derivatives of these indicators of rheovasograms of shin in sportsmen of youth age and high level of skills engaged in volleyball, athletics and wrestling with sports experience at least 3 years. We determined significant differences in the value of time, amplitude and derivatives of these indicators ofrheovazograms of shin in males youth age, depending on the impact of intense exercise. The volleyball players compared to youth who do not exercise, reliably large values of the overall tone of the arteries (11,2%), arteries of large diameter (8,2%), arteries of medium and small diameters (13,5%), time ascending part of rheovazograms (2%) and a slow passage (5,9%) and less dycrotycs index (17%), duration ofrheographic wave (3,7%), time descending part of rheovazograms (10%). The persons of control group had higher values of baseline impedance than wrestlers (9,9%) and athletes (13,7%) and all amplitude indicators rheograms of the shin than athletes (average 12-15%) and wrestlers (22-23%). The size and volume of blood flow to the arteries of the extremities adapted to the metabolic needs of the relevant muscles. In volleyball players compared to the athletes, a lower duration of rheographic wave (10%), time of downlink part of the rheograms (12,7%), the base impedance (17,2%), amplitude of the systolic wave (17%) and rapid blood filling (21%), all indicators tone of arteries (12,2-16,9%) and greater value of time of rising part of rheograms (3,5%) and slow blood filling (5,9%). Wrestlers compared to the athletes have a lower duration of rheographic wave (6,1%), time of downlink part of the rheograms (6,1%), the amplitude of the systolic wave (9,3%), compared with volleyball players set lower values of average speed of fast blood filling (15,6%), tone of arteries with different diameters (15-16,5%), all amplitude indicators (20-28%), time slow blood filling (9,7%), ascending parts rheogram (10,3%). Thus, the level ofphysical activity and especially muscle activity has a significant effect on the performance of regional blood flow.

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