
Monocytes undergo a process of differentiation following their accumulation into extravascular spaces. This process has been examined previously by culturing monocytes and identifying changes in cell morphology, metabolism, and function over time. The present study was designed to characterize mononuclear phagocyte respiratory burst activity as related to differentiation by measuring chemiluminescence and superoxide anion generation in cultured human monocytes. Monocytes maintained in Teflon vials for up to 12 days increased in size, were positive for nonspecific esterase, and retained the ability to ingest latex particles. During culture, however, cells progressively lost their peroxidase-positive granules. When monocytes were cultured for one or five days, they elicited less than 50% of the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence produced by fresh monocytes following PMA stimulation. By day 7, less than 20% of day 0 PMA-elicited chemiluminescence was observed. A comparable loss of serum-opsonized zymosan-induced chemiluminescence occurred during monocyte culture. Since it is recognized that luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence is, in large part, dependent upon myeloperoxidase and since differentiated mononuclear phagocytes are only minimally peroxidase-positive, cultured monocyte respiratory burst activity was also assessed by directly quantifying superoxide anion generation. When monocytes were cultured for three or five days, they elicited 38% more superoxide anion than did fresh monocytes following PMA stimulation. At day 7, PMA-induced superoxide anion release was comparable to day 0 levels. These data indicate that monocytes allowed to differentiate under nonadherent conditions maintain the ability to undergo a respiratory burst response as measured by superoxide anion release, but they concomitantly lose peroxidase-dependent luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. In this regard, monocytes cultured in suspension metabolically resemble macrophages that have undergone differentiation within sites of inflammation.

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