
As adolescent girls traverse puberty, they become increasingly inactive. Cognitively based theoretical frameworks have failed to explain this dramatic decline. The Theory of Meanings of Behavior asserts that adolescents invest behaviors with affective meanings which are often in opposition to knowledge and beliefs. Meanings of behavior were shown to mediate adolescent eating behaviors but have not been studied as mediators of physical activity. PURPOSE To examine Meanings of Exercise as mediators of the effects of a 4-month intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness in sedentary adolescent girls. METHODS In a preliminary study, 80 girls (ages 11–15) participated in 14 focus groups. Qualitative data analyses yielded a 30-item Meanings of Exercise scale (MES). In this study, participants were 43 girls (14–17 yrs., mean 14.9 yrs; 22% Latina, 17% Asian, 44% White, 17% other). 22 girls participated in a 4 month intensive school-based physical activity program. 21 girls served as controls. Physical activity was measured using a modification of the PDPAR. Metabolic expenditure units (METS) expended in Moderate Physical Activity (MPA, 3 to 6 METS) were calculated using the physical activity compendium. Cardiovascular fitness (V02peak) was determined by a maximal graded cycle ergometer test. Meanings of Exercise were measured using the MES. RESULTS The intervention group showed less decrease in MPA (t = 2.50, df = 40, p < .02) and greater increase in V02 peak (t = 3.29, df = 38, p < .002) than the control group. ANCOVAs showed that the main effect of the intervention on MPA is attributed to changes in four meanings of physical activity (including ‘keeps my mind off bad stuff’ and ‘makes me less sad’) (F > 4.3, p < 0.05). Main effects of the intervention on V02peak is attributed to changes in two meanings (‘don't get bored’ and ‘helps make friends’) (F > 6.6, p < 0.015). CONCLUSION Meanings of Exercise mediated the effects of the intervention on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness targeting adolescent girls.

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