
Intense construction of second homes in Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereafter referred as ex-Yugoslavia) started in 1960‘s. Acquisition of second homes was affordable for wide range of ex-Yugoslav citizen population due to low prices of land and real estate, as well as favourable loan conditions from state owned banks. Motivation for ownership was different – spending family holidays, which was more affordable in comparison to hotel accommodation, and investment in real estates in period of unstable ex-Yugoslav economy, represented by high inflation rates and variable currency. Predominant type of second home units was family vacation house, usually built in self-managed construction. In the moment of disintegration of common state in (and after) the year 1991, countries were at considerably different stage of development. Wars that followed even deepened the national and regional differences, which can be observed also in different second home development in new independent states. Due to private building entrepreneurship, most popular second home areas were faced with a new type of secondary residences – multi-apartment recreational buildings, often used as commercialized accommodation capacities. In the same time, prices of second homes have increased; therefore they became a privilege only for higher class. We can conclude that second home development pattern in exYugoslav countries in the last 50 years has changed from affordable to exclusive phenomenon. From the mentioned context, the main goal of the paper arises: to compare the pattern of second home development in ex-Yugoslavia countries before and after the fall of common state. Apart from literature overview, interpretation of official available census data (1971-2011) on the national level will be given. Special emphasis on changing socio-economical context of the second home development in Croatia and Slovenia will be presented.

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