
Cigarette packaging is designed to increase consumer appeal and remains a primary promotional tool in many countries, including the U.S. This study documented changes in the prevalence of pack characteristics among the top-selling cigarette products in the U.S. in 2018 and 2021. The 50 cigarette packs with the highest national unit sales in U.S. convenience stores in 2018 and 2021 were identified using Nielsen's Scantrack data and subsequently purchased. Packs were coded for features such as dominant color(s), descriptive text, and promotional language. Descriptive analyses conducted in 2022 weighted by total annual unit sales compared the prevalence of pack characteristics between years. Three brands-Marlboro, Newport, and Camel-constituted over 80% of pack sales among the top-selling products. Packs with red as a dominant color grew less popular between years (33.3% vs 29.5%), whereas those with green became more prevalent (25.2% vs 28.9%), consistent with a rise in the proportion of menthol sales. The prevalence of descriptors such as flavor and fresh decreased from 46.0% to 39.4% and 9.7% to 5.2%, respectively. Meanwhile, the prevalence of promotional language (e.g., rewards programs) increased from 60.9% to 69.0%. The use of visual and named colors remains common, which can implicitly communicate sensory or health-related attributes. Moreover, promotions may help recruit and retain consumers in the context of more restrictive tobacco control policies and price increases. Given the strong influence that cigarette packaging exerts on consumers, packaging-focused policies, such as plain packaging laws, may reduce appeal and accelerate declines in cigarette use.

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