
In conclusion, it appears that in general an increase in the fatigue resistance of a muscle is accompanied by an increase in its oxidative capacity. Fatigue resistance of a muscle seems to be partly determined by its oxidative capacity. On the single motor unit (Burke et al, 1973; Hamm et al, 1988; Kugelberg and Lindegren 1979; Larsson et al, 1991) and single fibre level (Nemeth et al, 1981) the relation between fatigue resistance and oxidative capacity seems to be valid. However, this does not appear necessarily to be the case on the level of the whole muscle. Kugelberg and Lindegren (1979) suggested, that the endurance of each link in the chain of events leading to contraction is under aerobic conditions matched to the contractile capacity of the fibre expressed by its oxidative enzyme activity. Therefore, it might be that several tests for endurance capacity are more strenuous than the aerobic capacity of the muscle. Indeed, several studies suggest that the Burke test (Burke et al, 1973) or other fatiguing protocols might primarily test for other endurance-related properties as the excitation-contraction coupling (Kernell et al, 1987; Mayne et al, 1991b). Another explanation for the discrepancy in changes in oxidative capacity and fatigue resistance might be, that the mechanical responses of the motor units (which have different biochemical and contractile properties) during the fatigue test do not summate linearly during whole muscle contraction as was found by Gardiner and Olha (1987).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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