
Moment arms of tibialis anterior (TA) and tibialis posterior (TP) about the subtalar and talocrural joint axes were measured in anatomic specimens both before and after split tendon transfers. These procedures are commonly performed to correct hindfoot varus, a gait deformity that is often seen in patients with cerebral palsy, stroke, and brain injury. Split tendon transfer significantly reduced the inversion moment arms of tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior at all subtalar joint angles except for the most everted position in the case of TA. Changes in subtalar joint moment arms produced by split tendon transfer, especially those seen in TA, were variable, suggesting that the procedure may be susceptible to technical errors, especially related to balancing tensions in the medial and lateral tendon halves. Talocrural joint moment arms of both muscles were preserved following split tendon transfer. This study presents the first measurements of the moment arms of split transferred muscles. These characterizations of the mechanics of split tendon transfer will aid in the planning and assessment of these procedures.

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