
Effects of duration of stimulus exposure on lingual vibrotactile thresholds were examined across three groups of 10 subjects each (n = 30). Subjects were grouped according to age (child group, mean age = 10.1 yr.; young adult group, mean age = 21.9 yr.; elderly group, mean age = 76.0 yr.). Lingual vibrotactile threshold measurements were obtained for all subjects under 5 conditions of exposure (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 sec.). Results showed statistically significant differences in threshold among all three age groups. As age increased, thresholds of lingual sensitivity increased (became poorer). Stimulus duration also created significant differences in threshold for all age groups. As stimulus duration increased, thresholds of lingual sensitivity decreased (became better). The children appeared to be the most stable across conditions whereas the elderly group appeared to be the most affected by stimulus duration.

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