
Relevance. Any changes in the functional processes in the body of cows are reflected in the biochemical parameters of their blood. In highly productive animals, the energy costs in the postpartum period for the formation of lactation are not covered by the volume of feed consumed. The lack of energy is compensated by the internal reserves of the body, which causes the catabolic nature of metabolism. The consequence of a violation of protein, carbohydrate-fat and vitamin-mineral metabolism in general is a change in the hormonal status of the body, which negatively affects the reproductive function and leads to a decrease in milk productivity.Methods. The formation of animal groups and methodological techniques for setting scientific and economic experience were performed according to A. Ovsyannikov. The diets, the composition of the premix and the tested feed additive are designed using the program «Optima expert» («Cormersurs», Russia) the needs of milking cows in nutrient and biologically active substances were determined by A. Kalashnikov, V. Fisinin, V. Shcheglov and others. In the blood serum, the content, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, general calcium, and the unorganic focoria on the semi-automatic biochemical analyzer with the BS-3000M cuvette were determined. The results were processed biometrically, the reliability of the differences was evaluated by the Students t-criterion.Results. The maximum increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood was observed in cows of the third group (7.93%) (p < 0.05), cholesterol – in cows of the second group (24.43%). The content of triglycerides in animals of the control group decreased by 25.00% (p < 0.05). The level of calcium in the blood serum of animals was a tendency to increase. The most pronounced increase was observed in individuals of the third group. In animals of experimental groups, the level of fosphor inorganic decreased.

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