
Differences in species composition of urban bushland sites that had been subjected to increasing degradation and progressive invasion of Pittosporum undulatum Vent. were assessed using nonparametric multivariate and other statistical techniques. Increasing suburb age was found to significantly affect community pattern as a whole, specifically through increased proportions of exotic species, decreased native species richness and sustained shifts in the relative importance of individual species. Older suburbs were typified by species that were mesic, fire-sensitive, shade-tolerant and adapted to relatively moist, nutrient-rich edaphic conditions. These species included P. undulatum and many invasive exotics. Many native species decreased substantially in rank importance with increasing suburb age, to the point of elimination in older suburbs. These included one vulnerable taxon (Tetratheca glandulosa Sm.). Overall community pattern was correlated with abundance of P. undulatum, fire and human disturbance. Relative cover of P. undulatum was found to be significantly correlated with increased proportions of exotic species and reduced native species richness and diversity. While most exotic species were concentrated within 30 m of the suburban edge, it is suggested that most management effort should be directed at those exotic species that commonly establish throughout bushland remnants. The study also provided an opportunity to test the application of the multivariate software package PRIMER in assessing environmental impact on vegetation communities.

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