
The activity of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) in extracts of the stalk median eminence (SME) complex proper (average protein content, 30.6 micrograms) of male rats was assayed by monolayer cultures of anterior pituitary cells using the release of immunoreactive ACTH. Extracts which were equivalent to 0.025 SME of control rats usually had detectable CRF activity, while there was no detectable activity in extracts of 0.4 SME equiv. taken 8 days after complete surgical isolation of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). The activity of CRF in extracts from rats with an anterolateral cut around the MBH was at least ten times less than that in the control rats. One day after placing an anterolateral cut around the MBH the ACTH releasing activity of the SME was not significantly different from that of the control animals but activity decreased significantly 3 days after the operation and was at least ten times less than in the control animals on day 7 after the operation. It is suggested that most of the CRF activity of the SME is contained in nerve fibres entering the neurohaemal region from outside the MBH and that transection of these fibres produced the fall in CRF content of the SME in rats with partial or total surgical isolation of the MBH.

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