
Composition and structure of benthic communities in the Minonosok Bight (Posyet Bay, Japan Sea) are considered on the surveys data obtained in the 1990s and 2012. In total, 140 taxa of benthic organisms were found in the 1990s with domination of mollusks and algae by the species number, abundance; biomass, and occurrence; their total biomass was high, up to 29 kg/m 2 . All these parameters became lower in the 2012 when the monodominant communities changed mainly to polydominant ones. In the 2012, the macroalgae weren’t fasten onto the bottom in the southern part of the bay because of its silting, but they were attached to mussel druses. Trophic structure of the sublittoral communities was changed: the producers were replaced by sestonophages, detritophages and predators.


  • Composition and structure of benthic communities in the Minonosok Bight (Posyet Bay, Japan Sea) are considered on the surveys data obtained in the 1990s and 2012

  • In the 2012, the macroalgae weren’t fasten onto the bottom in the southern part of the bay because of its silting, but they were attached to mussel druses

  • Trophic structure of the sublittoral communities was changed: the producers were replaced by sestonophages, detritophages and predators

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Известия ТИНРО

Пальчевского, 17; 2 Дальневосточный государственный технический рыбохозяйственный университет, 690087, г. ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В БЕНТОСНЫХ СООБЩЕСТВАХ БУХТЫ МИНОНОСОК (ЗАЛИВ ПОСЬЕТА, ЯПОНСКОЕ МОРЕ). Изучены состав и структура бентосных сообществ в бухте Миноносок На всех разрезах биоценотическая роль макрофитов и, как следствие, общая биомасса бентоса снизились. Ключевые слова: макробентос, разрезы, сообщества, изменения, руководящие виды, бухта Миноносок, залив Посьета. 140 taxa of benthic organisms were found in the 1990s with domination of mollusks and algae by the species number, abundance; biomass, and occurrence; their total biomass was high, up to 29 kg/m2 All these parameters became lower in the 2012 when the monodominant communities changed mainly to polydominant ones. Цель настоящей работы состоит в анализе современного состояния и тенденций многолетних изменений бентосных сообществ бухты Миноносок зал.

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