
Purpose Oxidative damage is known to be an important cause of age-related cataracts and it has been suggested that administration of antioxidants, such as lutein, may delay the onset and progression of cataracts. Our previous investigation of human aqueous humor after the intake of a lutein-containing supplement demonstrated decreases in peroxidative products. This study evaluated the transportation of lutein into aqueous humor which is an important factor when measuring the antioxidant effects of lutein on the lens. Methods This study enrolled 155 patients with binocular cataracts of the same grade. Serum and aqueous humor samples were collected during cataract surgery before (as pre-intake samples) and after 6 weeks of oral intake of Ocuvite + Lutein® (as post-intake samples). Lutein levels were measured with high-performance liquid chromatography. Results Lutein levels in both the serum and aqueous humor were significantly higher in the post-intake than the pre-intake samples. There were significant increases in the lutein levels in patients with lower pre-intake lutein serum levels. There was also a tendency for greater increases in patients with lower pre-intake aqueous humor lutein levels. Conclusions These results demonstrate that oral lutein supplementation increases lutein levels, which further induce decreases in peroxidation in the aqueous humor. Furthermore, lutein supplementation may be more effective in patients with lower serum lutein levels.

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