
ABSTRACT The effects that ripening stage have on the apparent viscosity and ascorbic acid retention in squash pulp exposed at cooking process were analyzed. Total soluble solids contents were taken as indicative of ripening degree. In the raw material, water contents ranged from 79 to 96%, but no significant differences were observed among samples grouped as unripe, ripe and overripe. The ascorbic acid contents of pulp increase with increases in soluble solids contents. Pulp from unripe and ripe squash had similar apparent viscosity values; however, lower viscosity values were obtained in pulp from overripe squash. During heat treatment, significant changes in the apparent viscosity values of pulp from unripe and ripe squash were observed. Heat penetration properties of squash pulp indicate correlation between the inverse slope of the straight portion in the heat penetration curves on a semilog plot (fh) and thermal diffusivity values (α) with dry matter content, but no correlation was found with squash maturity degree. High ascorbic acid retention (82%) in pulp held for 30 min at 95C was found independently of squash maturation degree.PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSKnowing the rheological behaviour and the ascorbic acid retention of butternut squash pulp during cooking process could be used as a valuable information previously to make decisions for use this crop as a food supply.

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