To evaluate changes in anthropometric and biochemical parameters in pregnancy and their dynamics during last two decades and to determine the association between anthropometric and biochemical parameters, their influence on fetal and neonatal development. In 1985-2005, anthropometric (height, body mass, weight gain during pregnancy, pelvic measurements, skinfold thicknesses, passive body mass) and biochemical (cholesterol, triglyceride, protein, and iron levels) parameters, their correlation, changes in pregnancy were examined; also the correlations between these parameters and neonatal body mass indices were evaluated. In 1986-1987, 383 pregnant women were examined, in 1998--130, and in 2003-2005--133. During 20 years, the height of examined women increased on an average of 2.5 cm; they became thinner; body mass index decreased. The body composition became similar to "cylinder" shape due to decreased thickness of adipose tissue in the limbs. The dimensions of bony pelvis--external conjugate and bicristal diameters--decreased. Primiparous women became older (1995--22.5 years of age, 2004--27.6). At the beginning of investigation, the weight gain was on an average of 21.9% of body mass before pregnancy (13.3 kg) and at the end--23.9% (14.2 kg). The values of anthropometric parameters vary in a consistent pattern during pregnancy: the lower body mass and body mass index at the beginning of pregnancy, the higher weight gain at the end of pregnancy. Blood serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and especially iron were decreased during the study. An inverse correlation between body mass index and lipid metabolism in pregnancy was revealed: the higher body mass index was at the beginning of pregnancy, the lower increase in lipid concentration was during pregnancy. At the beginning of investigation as well as after 20 years, women with low body mass index showed the most significant anthropometric and lipid metabolic changes in pregnancy.
During 20 years, the height of examined women increased on an average of 2.5 cm; they became thinner; body mass index decreased
At the beginning of investigation, the weight gain was on an average of 21.9% of body mass before pregnancy (13.3 kg) and at the end – 23.9% (14.2 kg)
The values of anthropometric parameters vary in a consistent pattern during pregnancy: the lower body mass and body mass index at the beginning of pregnancy, the higher weight gain at the end of pregnancy
Medžiagų apykaitos ir naujagimių fizinės būklės pokyčiai per pastaruosius dešimtmečius. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti dviejų dešimtmečių laikotarpiu buvo tiriami įvairūs nėščiosios antropometriniai ir biocheminiai rodikliai per visą nėštumą nuo pradžios iki pabaigos ir naujagimio fizinės būklės parametrai bei jų pokyčiai, gretinami naujagimio kūno masės ir motinos antropometriniai ir medžiagų apykaitos rodikliai, vertinamas jų tarpusavio ryšys. 1. Motinos (nėščiosios) antropometriniai rodikliai: – ūgis, kūno masė, kūno masės indeksas (KMI) iki nėštumo arba nėštumo pradžioje, kūno masės prieaugis nėštumo laikotarpiu (iki 37–40 sav.), – dubens matmenys, – odos klostės, pasyvioji kūno masė bei šių rodmenų pokyčiai nuo nėštumo pradžios iki 37–40 savaitės. Tokių rezultatų ir reikėjo tikėtis, nes visų trijų grupių moterų kūno masė buvo panaši, o ūgio rodikliai skyrėsi – pirmos grupės moterys žemesnės, taigi ir KMI šioje grupėje yra didesnis nei kitų dviejų grupių atitinkami rodikliai. Kūno masės ir kūno masės indekso statistiniai duomenys nėštumo pradžioje
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